“We bought both books and watched the movie. We also follow tips and posts here on FB. You inspired us, so that we have moved from an apartment in the city to a house in a village :D. We are more aware of the differences between natural materials regarding the furnishing of the house, also the advice with the Indian runners (which I heard about for the first time from you) helped us with snails in the garden. Overall, we gradually changed almost everything, in the way of thinking, perception, feeling inspired by you and also others.”
“A great inspirational site where I always find encouragement both in family life and in gardening. I admire how the whole family manages ordinary things… And even shares it!”
– Maja Balážová
“Your family helped me to clean up my life. Since I have been reading your articles, Zuzka, a lot of things started to make sense. After reading the book Healthy and cozy home, I wanted to throw away everything that we buried ourselves in for years. But I didn’t do it. I started to think more about what I buy, what kind of material it is made of, especially for children. he book opened up a new horizon for me. We sold the land and changed the plan that we had for 5 years, because we no longer wanted to live in a concrete building with a terrace and a lawn. We dream of Matej house from your workshop. In the meantime, we moved and you inspired me a lot here too. We didn’t have much money to furnish a new apartment, so I said to myself that I simply won’t buy anything new, but I will buy second-hand things. I announced to my friends a “clean a pantry” challenge and let’s furnish a kitchen for Štefanovský family. Everything arrived. Kitchen, couch, cupboards, kitchen appliances. For the first time in our lives, we will have plants in the garden. My mother-in-law and brother-in-law look at me strangely, when I am planting flowers among vegetables, but I am OK with it. Last year my daughter spent two weeks at your LifeStart camp. It’s wonderful possibility for children to be as they are and as they need to be. It’s really touching. Thank God, it gave me a kick to start working on myself. And I can’t brag more about how much my life has improved. I still have a long way to go, but I’m really looking forward to it. It gave me the strength to stand up for myself and my children and not put them in a state schools. From September, my daughter will a preschooler, but homeschooled. Thank you.”
“I follow your family and I like the strength, mindset and also the courage to search and try your own ways. I myself have 3 siblings and my parents were not afraid of life…I see similarities and I am grateful for such a rich childhood, rich in work, responsibilities, games and the trust we received as children… I draw from their commitment again and again… I wish you all the best.”
“I am inspired by your posts about life, family, the garden and the values you live by. I like your family, what you live for and what you do.”
“Cyclic magnet, my 14 years old son reads it and compares it to how I behave. It will be useful for his life. This year we are starting a garden according to your book. We thank you.“
“It’s brutal – How to have a beautiful edible garden without a lot of toil!!! Perfect!!! Exceeding expectations.. full of photos that we need, as we are starting a garden and following all your steps. Thank you very much!!! And we would also like to make a spiral according to you.”
“Book Alžbetka is really beautiful, there is so much to look at in each illustration 🙂 Even my son always picks it up as the first thing in the morning 🙂 he has several favorites, but he always picks this one up first :)”
“Zuzka, the magnet is more than perfect! It’s absolutely brilliant! I finally found out that I am cyclical, too. Well, I thought I didn’t have any fluctuations during the month…Since the magnet is hanging on our fridge, I already know that I have fluctuations. Mainly in performance, energy and strength. It is such a relief to allow myself to really rest during the menstrual phase and to know that if I rest now, even during the day with the children, I will be able to catch up next week without any problems. I no longer have to go to bed every day with the children at 8 in order to get through the next day (because I didn’t allow myself to rest during my period). Now I rest at the right time and at the right time I work, manage, clean, sort. It’s really a relief. My husband sees what he can expect in the household 😀 oh, and the advice for men – they should have taught it in elementary school as a basis for relationships. Thank you for your work!”