„Existujú iba dva dni v roku, kedy nemôžeme vôbec nič urobiť. Jeden sa volá Včera a druhý Zajtra. Dnešok je tým správnym dňom milovať, konať, a predovšetkým žiť.“ Dalajláma
LifeReset na Novom Zélande
Dobrovoľníčenie na Novom Zélande nás nevytiahlo z von krízy , nevrátili sme sa ako rodinka úžasných, ale dalo nám nový pohľad na život, priority a hodnoty, ktoré chceme žiť. Teda áno, vrátili sme sa ako úplne iní ľudia, úplne iná rodina. Prišli sme na to, čo nám v živote chýbalo a ako chceme náš život naplniť.
Pokračovanie reštartu
V prvom rade nám chýbalo plnohodnotné prežívanie každého dňa. Prítomne, nie hlavou v práci, plánovaním večere, rozmýšľaním nad inými ľuďmi. Na to, aby sme to dokázali, museli sme sa odpútať od vecí, tém a niekedy aj ľudí, ktorí nám kradli pozornosť a naša energia išla inde ako sme potrebovali. Mať priestor na zahĺbenie sa do seba, na prítomný okamih, chce mať aj dostatok času pre seba. Preto sme sa rozhodli znížiť si náklady. Menej výdavkov znamená menej času v práci a viac s rodinou i so sebou:-).
Z nášho rozpočtu zmizli viaceré splátky a účty. Optimalizovali sme aj výdavky na stravu a bývanie, a to postavením si malého mobilného domu a vybudovaním permakultúrnej záhrady. Časť potravín si vieme dopestovať, čím šetríme čas strávený inak v práci a peniaze, ktoré by sme inak minuli v obchodoch. Miesto kancelárie a nakupovania sme na čerstvom vzduchu s rodinou. Navyše kvalita vlastných potravín sa s tou kupovanou nedá porovnať. Sme v prírode, spolu, v pohybe, s aktívnym relaxom, v kontakte so Zemou.
Komplexný systém bývania
S našim reštartom sme začali aj budovať komplexný systém bývania, teda nie len dom, ale aj celé okolie. Súčasný trend je postaviť pekný dom a okolo domu vysadiť trávu, možno nejaké okrasné dreviny. Zem nám ponúka viac.:-) Veľa ľudí sa sústredí hlavne na stavbu samotného domu. Naším cieľom je pracovať s pozemkom ako komplexom, v ktorom má všetko svoje miesto a zmysel – my, rastliny aj zvieratá. Nejde o farmárčenie vo veľkom. Systém je navrhnutý, tak aby uživil cca siedmich ľudí. Viac v článkoch o permakultúre a v priečinku Permakultúra. Podstatným prvkom v tomto systéme je náš ekologický mobilný dom, v ktorom sme využili prvky permakultúry, premyslenú technológiu a prírodné, ekologické materiály. Pozri priečinok Mobilný dom a prečítaj si články o ňom.
Náš osobný reštart
Okrem všetkých krokov, ktoré sme urobili v hmote, v hmotnom, reálnom svete, výrazne sme reštartovali aj nás samých. Začali sme sa intenzívne venovať osobnostnému rozvoju. Jedno bez druhého samozrejme nejde. Ak človek nemá dostatočnú vieru v seba a v život, nemôže sa pustiť do veľkých projektov. Preto sa denodenne systematicky venujeme nášmu osobnostnému rastu. A to ako rastieme môžete tiež zdieľať s nami v článkoch, v ktorých odkrývame našu dušu, aby sme možno len jedného jediného človeka povzbudili, alebo ponúkli mu iný pohľad na svet, či utvrdili ho v tom, že kráča správne. Začítajte sa do Príbehu LifeReset.
Život treba žiť teraz. Vychutnávať si každý moment a prežiť každý deň plnohodnotne a najlepšie ako vieme. Kto žije naplno, nemusí sa obzerať do minulosti, trápiť sa výčitkami, pretože nie je si čo vyčítať. Urobili sme to najlepšie čo sa v danej chvíli dalo. Keď žijeme naplno, nemusíme sa obávať o budúcnosť, pretože teraz spravíme tie najlepšie rozhodnutia, aby sme si ju zabezpečili. Spravili sme rozhodnutie – reštartujeme náš život a urobíme to najlepšie ako vieme.:-)
FOTO: www.tomasbencik.com a www.helenakurus.sk
Vypočujte si trojminútové relácie Životný reštart (rádio Jemné melódie), ktoré vás rýchlo dostanú do obrazu.
Články o našom reštarte po návrate domov:
Krása a jednoduchosť – slamené balíky z poľa
Vôňu a dotyk dreva nenahradí žiadny umelý materiál
Raz hore, raz dole – náš reštart po polroku
To čo vás obklopuje vplýva na vaše telo, myseľ aj zdravie
Najväčšie životné posuny sú cez bolesť
Hlina vie pojať nie len vlhkosť, ale aj negatívnu energiu
Zhlboka sa nadýchnite, takto chutí sloboda
Po desiatich rokoch prekvapivý záver
LifeReset – experiment reštartu svoj život
Tento projekt podporil:
“There are only two days a year when we can do nothing. One is called Yesterday, and the other Tomorrow. Today is the right day to love, do and mostly live.“ Dalai Lama
LifeReset is an original author project of a young family that has decided to restart their life full of rush and stress. It required undergoing big changes and brave steps. The first one was to leave to the other end of the world – to New Zealand. We volunteered at organic farms with the whole family there. Our aim was to start living again.
LifeReset in New Zealand
Therefore, we have left our home, relatives and friends and simply switched off for three months. We have freed from the power of money by doing good for “God bless you”. We have found the lost time for ourselves and our children. We have met interesting people with inspiring life stories; and they have enriched our life story. We have returned as completely new people, completely new family. The volunteering in New Zealand gave us more than whole years of common life. But mainly, it gave us time to think… Thanks to that, the LifeReset continues.
Restart continues – Build a house, plant a tree
Since after New Zealand we wished to have more time for ourselves and our family, we have made other radical steps. We have sold our house. We have paid off the mortgage we had for a half of the house. For the second half of our money we have bought a lot and we are planning to build a complex accommodation system – a straw house and a permaculture garden. Why? Are we burning bridges? No! We want to decrease our costs because lower costs mean less time for work and more for family. 🙂
The mortgage has gone from our budget. We want to optimise also expenses for food and accommodation, namely by building a passive straw house that will use all natural resources. Furthermore, by growing own healthy, high quality vegetables and breeding animals. And all that in harmony with the nature based on the permaculture principles.
What is permaculture?
A system of designing settlements, gardens, infrastructures as well as communities in harmony with the nature so that all available natural resources are used and no waste is produced. For example solar energy for thermal gains in houses, water surfaces, lakes like counter-flooding measures and water for irrigation at the same time, etc. When creating the environment, wider relations of all environmental elements from human, animals, plants to climatic conditions are considered.
Complex accommodation system?
It sounds a bit difficult but the principle is to build not only the house but also the whole surroundings where we will live. The current trend is to build a nice house and to plant grass around it, or maybe some decorative trees. But the Earth offers much more.:) Many people are focused mainly on building of the house itself. Our aim is to work with the land as a complex where everything has its place and meaning – we, plants, animals. We are not going to do extensive farming. The system is designed to sustain seven people – our family of four people and three volunteers or pilgrims. 🙂
Straw house – I will blow, I will stump and it still stands!
We are planning to build a small straw house. Its features will be similar to a passive house. It means a house with minimal expenses for heating, electric energy and water. The overheads without the mortgage should be only few hundreds a year, unlike the current accommodation. Furthermore, a straw house is very healthy for living and ecological for the environment. With our project, we would like to bust the prejudice and distrust of people. Straw houses are not like those from the fairy tale about the wolf and three pigs – I will blow, I will stump and the house will fall down! People had same prejudice against prefabricated houses some time ago. Now there are thousands of them all around Slovakia.
Happy home thanks to happy people
Currently, there are not many companies that would build a straw house for you on a turnkey basis. These houses are built using help of friends and volunteers. Simply, people who want to help you and bring positive energy. Through their hands, it will get directly to the heart of the house. We are confident that we will be happy in such a house. 🙂
Garden and animals without drudgery
Unbelievable, but it is so. We verified it at New Zealand organic farms. A garden designed according to permaculture creates a harmonic system where we can get maximum effect with minimum effort. Planting will be interconnected with breeding so that it is mutually beneficial. For example, our future greenhouse will have one common wall with the henhouse. The result of this neighbourhood will be that the greenhouse will heat the henhouse and vice versa. And also when going from the henhouse, we will just put hen droppings to the greenhouse as organic manure. And on the other way, we will bring green waste from the greenhouse to the henhouse.
Together with experts
Three months are definitely not enough for us to become experts in permaculture and organic farming. Therefore, we have addressed the best experts in Slovakia who will supervise the complete construction of our new house. Step by step, you will be able to read “how to” on our website. You may look forward to a new article with an interesting topic week by week.
To be OK
It can be fun to build a house! Like in New Zealand, also here our children Jakubko and Maroško will help us to build the house. Also they will put their shoulders to the wheel and leave their little fingerprints in earthen plasters, for example. Positive energy will be brought in also by volunteers. We count on them and we will be glad to continue describing the life of a volunteer. A person who doesn’t bring only physical power, but mainly good mood, opportunity to discover interesting cultures and the good feeling from helping and sharing. 🙂
Why do we write about that?
Because we sincerely wish that other people do not repeat same mistakes. A wise man can learn from others’ ones…Even though it was very difficult for us to speak publicly about our problems at the beginning. It took several months until we dared. On the other hand, if you have opportunity to spread interesting ideas and information, would you keep them for yourself? Or would you forward them? I am a journalist. My know-how is to make good things and good people visible, so why not? 🙂
By whom are we paid?
By no one. Our journalist work is our volunteering in Slovakia. How do we finance our construction? Mainly from our own money and with partial support of our sponsors.
What is our intention?
To show also another way. There is a solution for each problem, just do not worry to face the issues.
And what then?
Then we will live satisfied and happily until we die. But in between, we will make our life more special with number of adventures. 🙂
Zuzka, Janči and our kiwis
We should live the life now. Enjoy every moment and live every day at full and have it as good as you can. If you live full life, you don’t need to look back to the past, to worry with reproofs because there is nothing to blame yourself. We did the best possible in the given moment. When we live for full, we don’t need to worry about the future because now we make the best decisions to arrange it. We have made a decision – we will restart our life and make it the best we can. 🙂
TRANSLATION: www.sclub.sk
FAMILY PICTURES: http://www.tomasbencik.com/