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Sme deti šťasteny

Niekto tvrdí, že sa mu celý život lepí smola na päty, niekto je tak úspešný ako Donald Trump. Podľa autorov viacerých motivačných kníh, je šťastie iba o našom nastavení mysle. Jednoducho povedané, každý je sám strojcom svojho šťastia. My sme sa rozhodli byť šťastní. A viete čo? Skutočne, šťastie nebehá po horách, ale s nami po Novom Zélande.

Sme deti šťasteny

Šťastie je skutočným šťastím len vtedy, keď sa oň máte s kým podeliť.

Šťastie na ľudí

Mohli by sme povedať, že máme šťastie na ľudí. Alebo aj, že vrana k vrane sadá. A možno preto stretávame samých spokojných a dobrosrdečných ľudí. Jedným z nich bol aj Paul. Na moju prosbu, či môžeme u neho wwoofovať, odpovedal s nadšením, že áno a chce nás veľmi spoznať. V termíne našej cesty z Awhifarmy na juh bol úplne obsadený šiestimi ďalšími wwoofermi. Navyše v tom čase bol štyri dni mimo domu. Napriek všetkým okolnostiam nám napísal, že ak potrebujeme, môžeme u neho stráviť pár dní, postarajú sa o nás wwooferi na farme. Najprv sme mysleli, že len prenocujeme a pôjdeme ďalej. Na River Pa sa nám však nakoniec tak páčilo, že sme ostali tri dni.

Sme deti šťasteny

Starý kostolík na farme River Pa teraz slúži ako nocľaháreň pre pocestných. Deti v ňom našli parádny priestor na hranie.

Nabrať inšpiráciu

River Pa bola farma, ktorá vznikla v areáli starej farnosti. Kostolík bol zároveň aj školou. Bývalí majitelia postavili na tomto mieste obrovský krásny skleník. Ocitnúť sa v ňom bolo ako vojsť do nádhernej zeleninovej záhrady. To miesto malo neskutočné čaro. Asi aj preto sa vedeli naši chlapci nerušene vyhrať v pieskovisku vo vnútri. Každé ráno wwooferi pripravovali maslo z mlieka, preliali smotanu, pozbierali vajíčka a dvakrát do týždňa dojili kravu, ktorá je spoločná s ďalšími piatimi rodinami. Každý deň ju podojí niekto iný. Až na tejto farme som si uvedomila, aké skvelé je mať dostatok masla na čokoľvek. Do polievky, na varenie, aj na chleba. A domáce! Paul chová aj sliepky a kozu. Koza má vyslovene strážnu funkciu. Keďže je veľmi útočná býva v psej búde pred bránou na farmu. Paul má sebestačné hospodárstvo, ktoré ho vie uživiť, až na niekoľko výnimiek, pre ktoré musel skočiť do obchodu. Zároveň má dostatok pre wwooferov, ktorí mu za toto domáce a zdravé jedlo, pomáhajú s hospodárstvom. Úplne skvelý bártrový obchod! Na tejto farme som začala premýšľať nad našim budúcim zverincom a už sa teším na jar.

Sme deti šťasteny

Kto vám vyčaruje na tvári najväčší úsmev? Deti.

Šťastné deti

Niektorí ľudia sa prirodzene obávajú návštevy detí vo svojom príbytku. Deti sú neposedné a veselé bytosti, z čoho vyplývajú aj určité riziká. Našťastie, ľudia reagujú na naše deti veľmi pozitívne. Silný zážitok bol pre mňa rozhovor s Donnou, ktorá nás hostila na farme pri Bleheim. Po večeri sme sedeli potichu na terase a pozorovali chlapcov ako sa naháňajú v záhrade. Po chvíli mlčania mi so slzami v očiach povedala – „Máte nádherných a šťastných chlapcov. Zuzana, ani nevieš aké veľké je to požehnanie.“ Ja som jej na to odvetila, že  viem, ak by boli iní, asi by som sa s nimi neodvážila prejsť také diaľky. „Ale oni sú takí vďaka vám,“ dodala.

Čo do detí vložíte, to jediné tu skutočne po vás ostane. A len šťastní rodičia majú šťastné deti. Je to obrovská zodpovednosť, a aj preto sme sa rozhodli, že chceme byť šťastní.

Somebody says that he’s been dogged by luck, somebody is as successful as Donald Trump. According to authors of several motivational books, fortune is only our setup of thinking. Simply said, everybody makes his own luck. We have decided to be happy. And do you know what? Really, good luck is not in mountains but with us in New Zealand.

Sme deti šťasteny

Good luck at people

We could say we were lucky to meet great people. Or that birds of a feather flock together. And maybe this is the reason why we meet only satisfied and good-hearted people. One of them was also Paul. When I asked him whether we could wwoof at him, he answered zealously that yes and he wants to meet us very much. On the day of our travel from Awhifarm to the south he was completely occupied by six other woofers. Furthermore, he was out of his home for four days that time. Despite all these circumstances, he wrote us that if we needed we could stay there for few days, the wwoofers on the farm would take care of us J. First we thought we would only sleep over and go further. But finally we liked it at River Pa so much that we stayed for three days.

Sme deti šťasteny

To take some inspiration

River Pa was a farm that was built in the site of an old parish. The little church used to be also a school. Original owners built a huge beautiful greenhouse on this place. To be there was like entering an amazing vegetable garden. This place has great charm. Maybe also this was the reason why our boys could play in a sandpit inside without any problems. Every morning, wwoofers prepared butter from milk, poured cream, collected eggs and twice a week they milked a cow that was shared with other five families. It was milked by someone else every day. Only on this farm I have realised how great it is to have enough butter for anything. To a soup, for cooking, on the bread. And homemade! Paul bred also hens and a goat. The goat was specialised for guarding. Since it used to be very aggressive, it lived in a dog house in front of the gate to the farm J  Paul has a self-sufficient economy that was able to provide enough food for him, except for some exceptions that he has to buy in a shop. Furthermore, he had enough for wwoofers who help him with his farm for this homemade and healthy food. Really great barter! On this farm I started to think about our future animals and I am looking forward to the spring.

Sme deti šťasteny

Happy children

Some people are naturally afraid of a visit of children in their dwelling. Children are restless and merry beings, but this implies also some risks. We are glad that people react very positively to our children. A strong experience was a discussion with Donna who was our host on the farm near Bletheim. After dinner we were sitting quietly on the terrace, looking at our boys how they were running in the garden. After a while of silence, she told me with tears in her eyes – “You have beautiful and happy boys. Zuzana, you don’t either know how big blessing it is.” I told her I knew, if there were different, I wouldn’t dare to travel so far with them. “But they are such thanks to you,” she added.  

What you enter to children that is the only one what really remains here. And only happy parents have happy children. It is a huge responsibility and therefore we have decided we want to be happy.

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